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You may have been on one of my courses, or had a consultation or maybe a customer at Big Life Organics or Macrobiotic Shop....
It's been a funny few years, I think many of us have changed as a result. My changes came as I pulled back a little from teaching Macrobiotics.
As a Pharmacist, Macrobiotic & Natural Health Teacher and Spiritual Healer, I thought I had covered all the bases with my career....
Then in my quiet meditations and moments, I felt the need to heal rooms and places as well as people. I hadn't a clue 'how' or even 'why' I would want to do that at the time.
Well, life throws curve balls at you and it certainly did with me. With many 'cor blimey' moments coming in rapid succession.
From clearing a POSSESSION from a 'normally' very sensible business man and bringing him back immediately from the brink of being committed (I wonder how many people in mental homes are possessed?) to clearing negative energies in a myriad of forms.
"Your combined knowledge and passion knows no limits"
I am a scientist at heart and was wondering how and why I was doing this, I was really struggling with imposter syndrome. Well, I have now embraced all that I am and this powers me forward.
I couldn't have done any of these things without my macrobiotic practice, I believe in these times we are living, it is more vital than ever to nurture our bodies, which house our mind and spirit.
To me macrobiotics was always about 'freedom', I understood that very well from the medical perspective. When you are in good health, you are free from all the health worries that plague society, and all too often stop people realising their dreams.
So, if you are interested in regaining the health of your body, mind and spirit and shining your light to change the world, come and join us on our online retreat where you will get a taste of the powerful tools that we use in our daily life, so you can start to transform your life and take back control of your destiny.
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